list and define two techniques you may use in the conclusion of your speech?

What are transitional sentences and whats their purpose in a speech?

transitional sentences are ones that change the subject. The help a speech flow well and not to be choppy.


Two techniques that you may use in the conclusion of your speech are:

1. Summarizing: This technique involves briefly restating the main points and key takeaways from your speech. By summarizing, you help your audience reinforce the main ideas and messages you have conveyed throughout your speech. It helps in reinforcing the key points and ensures that your audience understands and remembers the main ideas you wanted to convey.

2. Call to Action: This technique involves motivating your audience to take action or inspiring them to think differently. A call to action prompts your listeners to do something, such as supporting a cause, making changes in their lives, or advocating for a particular solution. It should be compelling, clear, and provide specific steps or suggestions for your audience to follow.

Now, moving on to your second question, transitional sentences play a vital role in a speech. They act as bridges between different parts of your speech, connecting ideas and thoughts smoothly. The purpose of transitional sentences is to help the audience follow the logical flow of your speech and understand the connections between different points.

Transitional sentences are used to indicate shifts from one idea to another, introduce new information or evidence, provide examples or illustrations, highlight contrasts or comparisons, or summarize previous points before moving on to the next. They ensure that your speech flows coherently and help your audience stay engaged by providing a smooth transition from one aspect of your topic to the next.