1. (E-mail)

Hello. Ms. Kim.
It's me, Tom.

(What does 'It' refer to? Why is 'It' used here?)

2. I'm in an English movies with subtitles club. We watch English movies together every four months/four times a year. I can learn lots of useful English expressions. It's difficult but fun.

3. I'm in a climbing mountains club.
We climb mountains every fourth month together. It is great to shout at the top of a mountain.

4. I'm in a sports newspaper club.
We make a sports newspaper. Each member write an article about sports and make a sports newspaper together. It's exciting and fun.

(Would you check the passages about club activities? Correct errors,please.)

1. (E-mail)

Hello. Ms. Kim.
It's me, Tom.

(What does 'It' refer to? Why is 'It' used here?)
"It" is just an introductory word in this usage. It's a pronoun, but in this case, there is no noun that it refers to. In this case, I guess you'd call it an idiom.

2. I'm in club in which we watch English movies with subtitles. We watch English movies together every four months/four times a year. I can learn lots of useful English expressions. It's difficult but fun.

3. I'm in a club for people who like to climb mountains. We climb mountains every four months together. It is great to shout at the top of a mountain.

4. I'm in a sports journalism club. We publish a sports newspaper. Each member writes an article about sports and contributes to the newspaper. It's exciting and fun.

(Would you check the passages about club activities? Correct errors,please.)

Let me know if you have any questions.

#2 should read:

I'm in a club in which ...

1. In the given email, the pronoun 'It' refers to something that was mentioned before in the conversation. Without any context or previous information provided, it is difficult to determine what specifically 'It' refers to. However, it is used to avoid repetition and to refer back to something previously mentioned for clarity.

2. The passage about the English movies with subtitles club seems to be correct. However, a slight improvement can be made to the sentence structure: "I'm a member of an English movies with subtitles club. We watch English movies together four times a year and I find it a great way to learn useful English expressions. It's difficult but fun."

3. The passage about the climbing mountains club needs some corrections. Instead of "We climb mountains every fourth month together," it should be "We climb mountains every month together." Additionally, the sentence "It is great to shout at the top of a mountain." does not provide much information about the club's activities. A more descriptive sentence could be: "Reaching the top of a mountain and enjoying the breathtaking view is an incredible experience during our club outings."

4. The passage about the sports newspaper club is generally correct. However, to improve clarity, the sentence "Each member write an article about sports and make a sports newspaper together." should be rewritten as "Each member writes an article about sports, and together we create a sports newspaper. It is an exciting and enjoyable activity for all of us."