Taking the 5 S's - Speed, Skill, Strength, Suppleness and Stanima, which one sporting activity could you do if scoring each 'S' out of 5 to give you the highest possible score?

I would have to say football

Either Swimming or Soccer require all of those.

i would have to say Running

To determine the sporting activity that would give you the highest possible score based on the 5 S's (Speed, Skill, Strength, Suppleness, and Stamina), you need to consider each factor individually.

1. Speed: Choose a sporting activity that requires fast movements and quick reflexes. For example, sprinting, track and field, or short-distance swimming could score high in the speed category.

2. Skill: Look for a sport that emphasizes technical abilities, precision, and coordination. Sports like tennis, basketball, or soccer, which require good ball control and accuracy, could earn high points for skill.

3. Strength: Consider a sport that demands physical power and muscle strength. Weightlifting, powerlifting, or contact sports such as rugby or American football might be suitable options to maximize your strength score.

4. Suppleness (Flexibility): Choose a sport that requires a high level of flexibility and range of motion. Gymnastics, yoga, or martial arts are great examples where suppleness plays a significant role.

5. Stamina: Look for a sporting activity that requires endurance and long-duration exertion. Long-distance running, cycling, or swimming could score high in the stamina category.

Now, assign a score from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest) to each category based on your personal abilities or the areas you excel in. Once you have assigned scores to each 'S,' sum up the totals and compare them for different sports. The sport that yields the highest cumulative score would be the one that aligns best with your strengths across the 5 S's.