the filing clerk has to file medical record 03-05-40 on the shelf which of the following charts is filed after 03-05-40 using the terminal digit system

A. 04-05-41
B. 02-05-40
C. 03-03-39
D. 00-03-38

I think it is D not sure can anyone help thanks so much

for terminal digit filing numbers

what would the terminal digit be?



To determine which of the following charts is filed after 03-05-40 using the terminal digit system, we need to understand how the terminal digit system works.

In the terminal digit system, medical records are filed based on the last two digits of the patient's medical record number. The records are then further organized by the middle two digits and finally by the first two digits.

In this case, we are given the medical record 03-05-40. We need to find the chart that is filed after this record.

Let's break down each option and compare the last two digits:
A. 04-05-41: The last two digits are 41, and they come after 40. So, this chart is filed after 03-05-40.

B. 02-05-40: The last two digits are 40, which is the same as the medical record we are given. In the terminal digit system, when the last two digits are the same, we move on to the middle two digits for comparison. Therefore, we need to check the middle digits.

C. 03-03-39: The last two digits are 39. Since the middle digits (03) are the same as the medical record we are given, we need to move on to the first two digits for comparison.

D. 00-03-38: The last two digits are 38. The middle digits (03) are the same as the given medical record. Therefore, we need to compare the first two digits.

Now, we compare the first two digits of options C and D:
Option C: First two digits are 03.
Option D: First two digits are 00.

In the terminal digit system, lower numbers are typically filed before higher numbers. Therefore, 00 is filed before 03.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that option D, 00-03-38, is filed after 03-05-40 using the terminal digit system.

So, your initial intuition was correct. Option D is the correct answer.

Remember, in the terminal digit system, you start by comparing the last two digits, then the middle two digits, and finally the first two digits for tiebreakers.