if a white dwarf can exist only if its mass is less than 1.4 times the sun's mass, how can a star having 5 times the sun's mass end as a white dwarf?


what can astronomers learn about a star from its spectral lines?

pleaz help me

To explain how a star with a mass of 5 times the sun's mass can end as a white dwarf, we need to understand the concept of stellar evolution and the Chandrasekhar limit.

1. Stellar Evolution: Stars evolve throughout their lifetime based on their mass. More massive stars go through different stages compared to less massive stars.

2. The Chandrasekhar Limit: The mass limit for a white dwarf is known as the Chandrasekhar limit, which is approximately 1.4 times the mass of the sun (1.4 solar masses). Beyond this limit, the gravitational pressure becomes so intense that the electron degeneracy pressure (which supports a white dwarf against gravity) can no longer resist the gravitational collapse, leading to the collapse of the star.

Now, coming back to your question, a star with a mass of 5 times that of the sun will go through a different evolution path compared to less massive stars. Here's the explanation:

1. Main Sequence: The star will spend most of its lifetime on the main sequence, where it fuses hydrogen into helium in its core.

2. Red Giant: As the star exhausts its hydrogen fuel, it starts fusing helium into heavier elements in its core. This process causes the star to expand and become a red giant.

3. Supernova: After the red giant phase, a star with 5 times the sun's mass will undergo a supernova explosion. The core of the star collapses under its own gravity, leading to an energetic explosion that disperses the outer layers into space.

4. White Dwarf: After the supernova, what remains is a core that can end up as a white dwarf. If the remaining mass of the core is below the Chandrasekhar limit (1.4 solar masses), then the core can sustain itself as a white dwarf, supported by electron degeneracy pressure. However, if the core mass exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit, it cannot remain as a white dwarf and may collapse further to form a neutron star or a black hole.

Now, regarding your second question, astronomers can gain valuable insights about a star by studying its spectral lines. Here's how:

1. Composition: Spectral lines provide information about the composition of a star. Each chemical element leaves behind a unique pattern of spectral lines, known as its fingerprint. By analyzing these lines, astronomers can determine which elements are present in the star.

2. Temperature: The spectral lines can also reveal the temperature of a star. Hotter stars have broader and more intense lines, while cooler stars have narrower and less intense lines.

3. Motion: Spectral lines exhibit a phenomenon called the Doppler effect, which can be used to measure a star's motion. By analyzing the shifts in the spectral lines, astronomers can determine if a star is moving toward or away from us and the speed at which it is moving.

4. Magnetic Fields: Certain spectral lines can indicate the presence of magnetic fields on or around a star. By studying these lines, astronomers can learn about the strength and structure of the star's magnetic field.

In summary, spectral lines provide information about the composition, temperature, motion, and magnetic fields of stars, allowing astronomers to gain insights into their properties and behavior.