On August 20, 1989, in Cologne, West Germany, Said Aouita of Morocco also established a world record when he ran the 3000 meter run in 7.00 minutes 29.45 seconds. What was his average speed (in m/s) for the race?

Do I divide 3000 by 7 minutes and 29.45 seconds?

Change the 7 minutes into seconds (60 seconds per minutes) and add that to the 29.45 seconds. Then divide 3000 by that number.

To calculate the average speed of Said Aouita for the 3000 meter run, you would need to divide the distance covered (3000 meters) by the time taken. However, it is important to convert the time to a single unit, such as seconds, for accurate calculations.

To convert 7 minutes and 29.45 seconds into seconds, you would multiply 7 by 60 (since there are 60 seconds in a minute) and then add the converted seconds.

So, the total time in seconds is:
7 minutes x 60 seconds/minute = 420 seconds
420 seconds + 29.45 seconds = 449.45 seconds

Now that we have the total time in seconds, we can calculate the average speed by dividing the distance by the time:

Average speed = Distance / Time

Average speed = 3000 meters / 449.45 seconds

By performing this calculation, you would find that Said Aouita's average speed for the 3000 meter run was approximately 6.674 meters per second.