

Find all your like terms and go from there

To simplify the expression 2u^5x^5 * 2w^-8u^5x^5 * 3w^7, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Combine the coefficients (numbers) together.
In this case, the coefficients are 2, 2, and 3. Multiplying them together, we get 2 * 2 * 3 = 12.

Step 2: Multiply the variables with the same base.
We have u and u, x and x, and w and w. When multiplying variables with the same base, we add the exponents.

For the u terms:
u^5 * u^5 = u^(5+5) = u^10

For the x terms:
x^5 * x^5 = x^(5+5) = x^10

For the w terms:
w^-8 * w^7 = w^(-8+7) = w^-1 = 1/w

Step 3: Put it all together.
Combining the coefficients and the simplified variables, we get:
12u^10x^10 * (1/w)

So the simplified expression is 12u^10x^10/w.