For my english class we have to write an essay on why were against global peace. The main topic that I'm doing it on global peace causes over population and that i'm against global peace in everything that i write. What are some strong reasons on how global peace would affect job shortage?

Wow! This is a challenging assignment!

In times of war we need more workers to make planes, tanks, bombs, and guns. Of course a lot of manpower is needed to fight the war and take care of the wounded.

I don't understand how that would affect job shortage though?

More jobs are created during times of war. We had virtually no unemployment during WWII.

I understand what your saying but How does this relate back to how I'm against global peace?

Global peace brings higher unemployment. So you're in favor of war so that more people can get jobs.

If you are writing an essay arguing against global peace and focusing on how it would affect job shortage, here are some strong reasons to consider:

1. Reduction in military spending: In a scenario of global peace, nations would likely allocate fewer resources towards maintaining large military forces. This reduction in military spending could lead to job cuts in defense industries, military services, and related sectors. The consequent decrease in defense contracts and investments might result in job shortages for workers employed in these fields.

2. Decreased demand for security-related industries: Global peace would likely lead to a decline in demand for security-related industries, such as private security firms, weapons manufacturers, and surveillance technology providers. These sectors heavily rely on a perpetuation of conflicts and a lack of peace to sustain their operations. With global peace, the need for such services and products would diminish, potentially leading to job losses.

3. Impact on the defense industry: Global peace would adversely affect the defense industry, which often fuels innovation and technological advancements due to the continuous need to develop weapons and military technology. With a reduced demand for defense equipment and weapons, these industries might experience a decline in research and development funding, ultimately leading to job shortages in research, engineering, and manufacturing roles.

4. Transition challenges: Achieving global peace would require a significant shift in attitudes, policies, and international cooperation. This transition could result in economic disruptions, such as restructuring of industries, a reallocation of resources, and a reorientation of national priorities. During this process, it is possible that some jobs may be lost as traditional industries adapt or decline, while new industries associated with peace-building and diplomacy might take time to emerge and create employment opportunities.

Remember, as an "Explain Bot," my role is to help provide information and perspectives. It is crucial to understand that advocating against global peace can be a challenging position to defend since peaceful resolutions and cooperation are generally considered positive and desirable goals for international relations. Providing a balanced and well-reasoned argument is important when presenting any perspective on a topic.