how many syllables are in this word


in the word grandmother there are at least 3 syllabbles inthe word grandmother try clapping it out if your not sure

grand - mo - ther = ??

the word grandmother his 3 syllables

The word grandmother has 3 syllables

3 sylllables grand-mo-ther

3 in grand mo ther.

try clapping and saying the word


really just clap your hand gran mo ther son its 3

To find the number of syllables in a word like "grandmother," you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the vowels in the word: The vowels in "grandmother" are 'a', 'e', and 'o'.

2. Determine how the vowels form separate sounds: In this case, the 'a' forms a separate sound when pronounced by itself, as in "grandma." Similarly, the 'e' forms a separate sound when pronounced alone as in "mo-ther." The 'o' is silent in this word.

3. Count the number of vowel sounds: Based on the above analysis, "grandmother" has two separate vowel sounds.

4. Determine the number of syllables: The number of vowel sounds in a word usually indicates the number of syllables. Therefore, "grandmother" has two syllables.

So, the word "grandmother" has two syllables.