Could someone please help me I can't find the answer anywhere! thanks for you help!

Why does Romeo's answer to Tybalts insults upset Mercutio? What does he think Romeo is doing?

(By the way this is all in act 3 scene 1)

Thanks you so much you really helped me! God Bless YOU

Of course, I'll be happy to help you find the answer to your question!

To understand why Romeo's answer to Tybalt's insults upsets Mercutio, we first need to analyze the events leading up to that moment in Act 3, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."

In this scene, Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel after Romeo secretly marries Juliet. Romeo, however, tries to diffuse the tension because he is now related to Tybalt through his marriage. Romeo's reluctance to fight Tybalt and his peaceful response to Tybalt's insults, calling him names such as "villain" and "boy," is what upsets Mercutio.

Mercutio, who is Romeo's close friend, is hot-tempered and impulsive. He feels betrayed by Romeo's refusal to fight and interprets his peaceful response as weakness and cowardice. Mercutio also sees Romeo's actions as dishonorable, as it goes against the expectations of masculinity and loyalty in their society.

So, to answer your question, Mercutio's frustration with Romeo stems from perceiving Romeo's actions as betraying their friendship and not standing up to defend his honor against Tybalt's insults.

You can find further information and analysis of this scene in the play itself, reading Act 3, Scene 1 of "Romeo and Juliet" or by referring to literary analyses and interpretations of the play.