We are doing research papers in my English class on controversial issues. My topic is endangered species and we need to present the two different sides of the issue. I am unsure of what two sides I should write about.

Conservationists want to protect endangered species while some other people see no point in interrupting their businesses to save these creatures.

To find information against saving endangered species, you could Google tree hugger.

Apparently tree-hugger has become a complimentary term for conservationists -- so you'll find pro conservationists with that search term.

This article, though, should get you started learning about those who oppose saving endangered species.


Sometimes there are also news stories and other pieces of information that seem to be contradictory. See the articles here for just one example:

I guess it depends on where the counts are taken -- Canada or Alaska or ?

When people are presented with conflicting information, especially from trusted sources, how do they react? (I know that question leads to generalizing, which is not a good idea.) Different people react in different ways.

You might want to explore sources of information regarding particular topics within the conservation field and see what you find. Then see if you can discover how different people react to differing information.

When choosing the two sides of the endangered species issue for your research paper, it's important to consider both the conservation perspective and the perspective of those who prioritize other factors, such as economic development or human needs. Here are two possible sides to explore:

1. Conservation Perspective: This side focuses on the importance of preserving biodiversity and protecting endangered species. Supporters of conservation argue that endangered species play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and that their extinction can lead to negative consequences for humans, such as the loss of ecosystem services (like pollination) and disruption of food chains. They emphasize the ethical responsibility to safeguard endangered species for future generations and believe in implementing measures to protect habitats, enforce regulations, and support conservation initiatives.

2. Development and Human Needs Perspective: This side prioritizes economic development and human needs over preserving endangered species. Supporters of this perspective argue that resources should be allocated towards areas that directly benefit human populations, like infrastructure, healthcare, and economic growth. They might argue that diverting funds and attention to protecting endangered species can hinder economic development and human progress. They believe in finding a balance between conservation efforts and human demands and emphasize the importance of considering the needs and aspirations of local communities. They may also propose alternative methods, like captive breeding or controlled hunting, to address the concerns about endangered species without stifling development.

To ensure a balanced and comprehensive research paper, explore the arguments, evidence, and counterarguments for both sides. It's important to critically analyze the viewpoints, evaluate the evidence, and present a well-supported evaluation in the conclusion. Remember to cite credible sources and scholarly articles to back up your arguments.