598,587 round to the nearest ten thousand.is this the right answer 599,000


Look at 10 thousand spot, it's a '9'. Now look the the number to the right of it, it's a '8'

Remember, any number 5 and above you round up.

Since 9 round up is 10, it becomes 600,000

This helped me in math homework. Thank


same it helped me

Thank you Larry for helping us

To round a number to the nearest ten thousand, you need to look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is the fourth digit from the right. In this case, the digit in the ten thousand's place is 9, which is equal to or greater than 5.

To round up to the nearest ten thousand, you add 1 to the ten thousand's place and change all the digits to the right of it to zero. Therefore, rounding 598,587 to the nearest ten thousand results in 600,000, not 599,000.

So, the correct answer is 600,000.