Place the following in the passé composé:

Elle se lève de bonne heure.

Would this be correct?
Elle s'est lèvée de bonne heure.

In my answer, it should read "levée," not "lèvée."

With your correction, it is perfect!

Sra (aka Mme)

Yes, that is correct! In French, the passé composé is a compound tense that is formed using the auxiliary verb "avoir" or "être" (in this case, "être" is used) and the past participle of the main verb.

To form the passé composé of reflexive verbs like "se lever" (to get up), you need to conjugate the reflexive pronoun "se" and the auxiliary verb "être" in the present tense, and then add the past participle of the main verb.

In this case, "Elle" is the subject pronoun, and the verb "se lever" is reflexive. Therefore, you need to conjugate the reflexive pronoun "se" and the auxiliary verb "être" in the present tense, which gives you "elle s'est" (meaning "she got up").

Finally, you need to add the past participle "levée" (feminine form of "levé") to complete the passé composé: "Elle s'est levée de bonne heure."