What are three things young people can do to reduce risks and avoid injury?

please help if you can

MOST IMPORTANT: Think before they act

It depends on how young you mean..


1. Don't play with fire.
2. Always have your shoelaces tied.
3. Look both ways before crossing the street.

how young...ummm...teens

Michele has the most important tip.

Don't drink and drive.
Don't without a condom.
Wear a helmet while riding a bike or skiing.
Wear a seatbelt in a car.

Certainly! Here are three things young people can do to reduce risks and avoid injury:

1. Stay physically active and maintain a healthy lifestyle: Regular exercise and physical activity can strengthen bones and muscles, improve balance and coordination, and enhance overall fitness. Engaging in activities like sports, dance, or even regular gym workouts can help build strength and resilience, reducing the risk of injuries. A balanced diet rich in nutrients is also important for maintaining strong bones and muscles.

2. Use proper safety equipment: When participating in physical activities or sports, it is crucial to use appropriate safety equipment. Wearing helmets while biking or skateboarding, using protective gear for contact sports like football or hockey, and using knee and elbow pads while inline skating are examples of safety measures that can significantly reduce the risk of injuries.

3. Educate oneself about potential risks: Being aware of potential risks associated with specific activities is essential for injury prevention. Young people should educate themselves about common risks, such as proper warm-up techniques, understanding and respecting physical boundaries, and knowing how to identify and avoid hazardous situations. It is also essential to follow guidelines and safety rules provided by coaches, instructors, or experienced individuals.

To further research and get more detailed information about reducing risks and avoiding injury, young people can consult reliable sources such as injury prevention websites, health and fitness magazines, and healthcare professionals or trainers who specialize in injury prevention.