Do you think valedictorians are more often left or right brain? Why? I hypothesized left brain, because I think logical skills are viewed over creative ones in the school system, but I wanted a second opinion. Most classes are based overall on logic, not creativity.

I agree with you.

EXcept.... it takes a lot of creativity to invent, to find a new way of doing surgery, to develop a new computor. Creativity isn't confined to the arts. Being able to "think outside the box", is the hallmark of most really outstanding students, I believe.

Quite often, logical skills allow one to set priorities, budget time, pay attention in class, and not to procrastinate on homework or study. These skills are teacher pleaser skills, and reflect in grades. Valedictorians are chosen on grade point average.

I would agree with you, Ms. Sue and bobpursley. Most school systems do not emphasize creativity in their grading systems, which are used to determine who are the valedictorians.

To determine whether valedictorians are more often left or right brain dominant, we need to understand the differences between the left and right brain hemispheres. The left brain is typically associated with logical thinking, analytical tasks, language processing, and math skills. On the other hand, the right brain is associated with creativity, intuition, emotional intelligence, and visual-spatial skills.

While it is challenging to make a definitive conclusion about the dominant brain hemisphere of valedictorians as individuals differ and multiple factors contribute to their success, it is worth considering your hypothesis that valedictorians may lean towards left-brain dominance.

Many traditional school systems prioritize logical thinking and analytical skills, as reflected in the curriculum and assessment methods. Thus, valedictorians often excel in subjects like math, science, and languages, which are predominantly associated with left-brain functions. These subjects require reasoning, problem-solving, and a structured approach, which align with left-brain strengths.

However, it is important to note that valedictorians also need strong study habits, time management skills, discipline, and determination, which are not exclusive to one brain hemisphere. Some may argue that creativity plays a role in excelling academically, as it can enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, and innovation.

Ultimately, it is crucial to recognize that intelligence and success are multifaceted, and a combination of various skills from both left and right brain functions contribute to valedictorian achievement. It is also worth noting that some valedictorians may exhibit a balance between left and right brain capabilities, leveraging both logical reasoning and creative thinking in their academic pursuits.

To further explore this topic and reach a more conclusive answer, you could conduct a research study analyzing the brain dominance of valedictorians through psychological assessments, brain imaging techniques, or surveys. Such research would provide more empirical evidence to support or refute your hypothesis.