She stoops to conquer-

Which characters represent the restoration period and which represent the sentimental?

Sites that may give you some ideas.

To determine which characters in the play "She Stoops to Conquer" represent the Restoration period and which represent the sentimental period, it is important to understand the characteristics and themes associated with each.

The Restoration period refers to the late 17th and early 18th century in England when King Charles II was restored to the throne. This period is known for its wit, satire, and emphasis on social appearances. Comedy of manners was a common genre during this time, often making fun of the social elites and their behavior.

The sentimental period, on the other hand, refers to the mid to late 18th century, and is characterized by an emphasis on emotions, virtue, and the portrayal of noble characters. This period placed a strong emphasis on sentiment and often explored themes of love, morality, and virtue.

Now, in "She Stoops to Conquer," there are characters that can be seen as representative of the Restoration period, characterized by wit and satire, as well as characters that align with the sentimental period, emphasizing emotions and virtue.

Characters representing the Restoration period:
1. Tony Lumpkin: Tony serves as a mischievous and witty character who adds comic relief to the play. His pranks and schemes, such as leading the protagonists astray, align with the satirical and humorous tone of the Restoration period.

Characters representing the sentimental period:
1. Kate Hardcastle: Kate is a virtuous and intelligent woman who displays strong moral values. She shows compassion, love, and loyalty, which are themes commonly associated with the sentimental period.
2. Charles Marlow: Although initially portrayed as a foppish and shy character, Charles Marlow evolves throughout the play. He represents the sentimental period as he learns to overcome first impressions and true emotions come to light.

While these character categorizations can be subjective and open to interpretation, understanding the characteristics and themes associated with each period helps to identify which characters align more closely with the Restoration period and which align with the sentimental period in "She Stoops to Conquer."