what are the major concerns of home economics?

Here is a site for HE curriculum.. I am sure that you can find others.


The major concerns of Home Economics, also known as Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), revolve around the well-being of individuals and families in their everyday lives. Home economics encompasses various topics and addresses a range of concerns. Some of the major concerns include:

1. Nutrition and Food Safety: Home economics focuses on promoting healthy and balanced nutrition for individuals and families. It addresses concerns related to meal planning, food preparation, proper cooking techniques, as well as food safety practices.

2. Financial Management: Home economics provides knowledge and skills related to budgeting, saving, investing, and managing personal finances. It helps individuals and families establish sound financial habits and make informed decisions about money matters.

3. Parenting and Child Development: One of the concerns of home economics is to provide information and guidance on effective parenting techniques, child development, and fostering healthy family relationships. It covers topics such as child-rearing practices, understanding child behavior, and promoting positive parenting skills.

4. Clothing and Textiles: Home economics focuses on understanding the selection, care, and maintenance of clothing and textiles. It addresses concerns related to apparel construction, fabric choices, clothing alterations, and fashion trends.

5. Housing and Interior Design: Home economics provides knowledge about creating functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing living spaces. It addresses concerns related to home management, interior design principles, residential maintenance, and creating a sustainable environment.

To gather more specific information or to delve deeper into any of these concerns, it is recommended to consult educational resources, textbooks, academic journals, or trusted online sources related to Home Economics.