is it correct to say "je vais mettre les affiches" or should it be "je vais monter les affiches" (as in "I'm going to put the posters up")?


In that case, "afficher" is better. You could use "montrer" for "to display" = Je vais montrer les affiches. It sounds redundant to say "Je vais afficher les affiches!"

Sra (aka Mme)

But can it still be grammatically correct to say "je vais mettre les affiches?"

the first one just doesn't directly indicate that the posters are put "up".

Both "je vais mettre les affiches" and "je vais monter les affiches" can be used to express the idea of "I'm going to put the posters up," but they convey slightly different meanings.

1. "Je vais mettre les affiches" literally means "I'm going to put the posters." In this case, you are indicating that you will place the posters somewhere, but it does not necessarily imply that you will physically mount or hang them on a wall or surface. It could involve placing them on a table or any other means of display.

2. On the other hand, "Je vais monter les affiches" literally means "I'm going to mount the posters." In this case, you are specifically referring to putting the posters up on a wall or surface and fixing them in place. This expression emphasizes the action of physically hanging or mounting the posters.

So, depending on whether you want to highlight the act of putting the posters in a general location or physically fixing them on a wall, you can choose between the two expressions accordingly.

To find out which expression is more suitable in a particular context, you can consider the following:

1. Are you talking about placing the posters somewhere (without necessarily mounting them on a wall), or are you referring specifically to hanging them up?

2. What is the intended display method for the posters? Will they be mounted on a wall, hung from a surface, or placed somewhere else?

By considering these factors, you will determine which expression better conveys your intended meaning.