I need help with these two multiple choice answers could you check them first. First here's the passage that goes with the two questions.

Let our farmers make and wear their homespun; raise in greater plenty corn and wheat, which will enable them to raise their own hogs, cattle, and horses; and let those who have capital and enterprise manufacutre on a more extensive scale. There is nothing to prevent us from doing it. We have good land, unlimited waterpower, capital in plenty, and a partriotism which is running over in some places.

1. The word capital in htis passage refers to -------:
A. a large government building
B. money
C. a plan for production
D. the need for a product
Is the answer B??

2. According to the writer, farmers should raise grain crops in order to:
A. feed livestock
B. sell grain to grocery store
C. feed their own families
D. raise seed for new crops
Is it A??

Yes. Both of your answers are right. :-)

To check the answers to these multiple-choice questions, we need to refer back to the passage and analyze the context and meaning of the words and statements.

1. The word "capital" in this passage refers to:
A. a large government building
B. money
C. a plan for production
D. the need for a product

To find the answer, we need to understand the meaning of the word "capital" in the context of the passage. In this case, the passage mentions "capital in plenty," which suggests that it is referring to resources or assets that can be used for investment or production. By looking at the provided options, the most appropriate choice would be the one that matches this meaning. Therefore, the correct answer is B. money, as money is a key resource used for investment and production.

2. According to the writer, farmers should raise grain crops in order to:
A. feed livestock
B. sell grain to grocery stores
C. feed their own families
D. raise seed for new crops

To find the answer, we need to analyze the statement made by the writer in the passage regarding grain crops. The writer mentions, "raise in greater plenty corn and wheat, which will enable them to raise their own hogs, cattle, and horses." This indicates that the primary purpose of raising grain crops is to provide feed for livestock. By considering the options provided, we can conclude that the correct answer is A. feed livestock, as it aligns with the writer's statement regarding the outcome of raising grain crops.