4/9 +1/3

7/8 + 1/16
9/10 + 1/15
4/5 -2/5

You'll need to get common denominators for these fractions.

4/9 +1/3

4/9 + 3/9 = 7/9

We'll be glad to check your answers.

ok but how do you find the common denominator?

Find the smallest number that the two denominators go into evenly.


7/8 + 1/16

16 is the common denominator because 16 is the smallest number divisible by 8 and 16.

16/8 = 2
Multiply the numerator by 2
7/8 = 14/16

This site also explains it.


To add or subtract fractions, you need to have a common denominator. Here's how you do it step by step:

1. 4/9 + 1/3:
- Find a common denominator, which in this case is 9 * 3 = 27.
- Rewrite both fractions with the common denominator: 4/9 = 12/27 and 1/3 = 9/27.
- Add the numerators: 12 + 9 = 21.
- The result is 21/27. Simplify if needed.

2. 7/8 + 1/16:
- Find a common denominator, which in this case is 8 * 16 = 128.
- Rewrite both fractions with the common denominator: 7/8 = 112/128 and 1/16 = 8/128.
- Add the numerators: 112 + 8 = 120.
- The result is 120/128. Simplify if needed.

3. 9/10 + 1/15:
- Find a common denominator, which in this case is 10 * 15 = 150.
- Rewrite both fractions with the common denominator: 9/10 = 135/150 and 1/15 = 10/150.
- Add the numerators: 135 + 10 = 145.
- The result is 145/150. Simplify if needed.

4. 11/12 - 7/12:
- Both fractions already have the same denominator, which is 12.
- Subtract the numerators: 11 - 7 = 4.
- The result is 4/12. Simplify if needed.

5. 4/5 - 2/5:
- Both fractions already have the same denominator, which is 5.
- Subtract the numerators: 4 - 2 = 2.
- The result is 2/5. Simplify if needed.

6. 3/8 - 2/8:
- Both fractions already have the same denominator, which is 8.
- Subtract the numerators: 3 - 2 = 1.
- The result is 1/8.

7. 7/8 - 1/16:
- Find a common denominator, which in this case is 8 * 16 = 128.
- Rewrite both fractions with the common denominator: 7/8 = 112/128 and 1/16 = 8/128.
- Subtract the numerators: 112 - 8 = 104.
- The result is 104/128. Simplify if needed.

8. 5/8 - 1/3:
- Find a common denominator, which in this case is 8 * 3 = 24.
- Rewrite both fractions with the common denominator: 5/8 = 15/24 and 1/3 = 8/24.
- Subtract the numerators: 15 - 8 = 7.
- The result is 7/24.

9. 5/7 - 1/3:
- Find a common denominator, which in this case is 7 * 3 = 21.
- Rewrite both fractions with the common denominator: 5/7 = 15/21 and 1/3 = 7/21.
- Subtract the numerators: 15 - 7 = 8.
- The result is 8/21.