I'd like to make a phone call with a cell phone.

I'd like to make a phone call by a cell phone.

I'd like to make a phone call by cell phone.

I'd like to talk one a cell phone.

I'd like to talk one the cell phone.

I'd like to talk one my cell phone.

I'd like to talk one by cell phone.

(Which expressions are correct?)

I'd like to make a phone call with a cell phone. correct, but rather formal, not used much

I'd like to make a phone call by a cell phone. not quite correct; the word "by" is unusual here.

I'd like to make a phone call by cell phone. OK, but not used much

I'd like to talk one a cell phone.
I'd like to talk one the cell phone.
I'd like to talk one my cell phone.
I'd like to talk one by cell phone.
Change "one" to "on" -- all are Ok except the 4th one.

Out of the expressions you provided, the correct phrase is: "I'd like to make a phone call with a cell phone."

Here's a breakdown of the correct phrase and an explanation of the incorrect expressions:

1. "I'd like to make a phone call with a cell phone." - This is the correct expression. It states your intention to use a cell phone to make a phone call.

2. "I'd like to make a phone call by a cell phone." - This expression is grammatically incorrect. Instead of using "by," you should use "with" to indicate the tool or device you are using.

3. "I'd like to make a phone call by cell phone." - This expression is incorrect because it is missing the article "a" before "cell phone." The correct phrase would include the article: "I'd like to make a phone call by a cell phone."

4. "I'd like to talk one a cell phone." - This expression is grammatically incorrect. Instead of using "one," you should use "on" to indicate the device you are using.

5. "I'd like to talk one the cell phone." - This expression is grammatically incorrect. It should be "on" instead of "one," and it should include the article "the" before "cell phone."

6. "I'd like to talk one my cell phone." - This expression is grammatically incorrect. It should be "on" instead of "one," and it should include the possessive pronoun "my" before "cell phone."

7. "I'd like to talk one by cell phone." - This expression is grammatically incorrect. Instead of using "one," you should use "on" to indicate the device you are using. Additionally, the phrase "by cell phone" does not fit with the intended meaning of making a phone call.

So, the correct expression is "I'd like to make a phone call with a cell phone."