how do you convert a series into that beta stuff

To convert a series into beta form, you need to understand the concept of the beta function.

The beta function, denoted as B(x, y), is defined as follows:

B(x, y) = ∫[0,1] t^(x-1) * (1-t)^(y-1) dt

where x and y are real numbers greater than zero.

To convert a series into beta form, you follow these steps:

1. Start with a given series. For example, consider the series 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ...

2. Write each term of the series in fractional form. In this case, the series becomes 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ...

3. Calculate the value of each term in fractional form. In this case, the first term is 1/2, the second term is 1/3, and so on.

4. Express each term in terms of the beta function using the following formula:

1/2 = B(1, 2)
1/3 = B(1, 3)
1/4 = B(1, 4)

In general, for a term of the form 1/n, you can express it as B(1, n).

5. Rewrite the series using the beta function notation:

B(1, 2) + B(1, 3) + B(1, 4) + ...

This is the series expressed in beta form.

Remember that the beta function is defined for real numbers greater than zero, so make sure that the original series you are converting satisfies these conditions.