i need to unscramble these french words:

chupket and mèrce. they are in the food catagory

I think merce might be Creme

adfdsa got one! The other has to be "ketchup"


To unscramble French words like "chupket" and "mèrce" in the food category, you can follow these steps:

1. Check the length: Verify if the length of the scrambled word matches any potential solutions.

2. Rearrange the letters: Start by rearranging the letters of the word to form different combinations. Try moving letters around to create meaningful words.

Let's unscramble "chupket":

- By rearranging the letters, we can form the word "choupet" which means "cupcake" in English.

Now, let's unscramble "mèrce":

- By rearranging the letters, we can form the word "crème" which means "cream" in English.

So, the unscrambled words for "chupket" and "mèrce" within the food category are "choupet" and "crème", respectively.