for my test i have to be able to

Be able to determine the final molarity of a mixture of two solutions

my teacher said the formula was m1v1 = m2v2/m1+v2 or something like that

is that right??

I have no idea with such a limited amount of information. But here is how you do it. It's much easier than memorizing a formula AND it contains the same information you have been using.

Just determine the moles of 1 of the solutions. That is M x L.
Then determine the moles of the other solution. That is M x L.
Then add the moles together to obtain the total moles in the final solution and divide by the total volume and you have it.


Yes, you are on the right track! The formula you mentioned, m1v1 = m2v2 / (m1 + v2), is commonly known as the dilution formula. It is used to calculate the final molarity of a mixture of two solutions when one solution is diluted with the other.

Here's how you can use this formula step by step:

1. Identify the given information:
- m1: the initial molarity of the first solution
- v1: the volume of the first solution
- m2: the initial molarity of the second solution
- v2: the volume of the second solution

2. Plug in the values into the formula:
- Substitute the given values into the formula: m1v1 = m2v2 / (m1 + v2)

3. Solve for the final molarity (m2):
- Multiply both sides of the equation by (m1 + v2)
m1v1 * (m1 + v2) = m2v2
- Divide both sides of the equation by v2
(m1v1 * (m1 + v2)) / v2 = m2

4. Simplify the equation (if possible):
- Distribute m1v1 to the terms inside the brackets: m1v1 * m1 + m1v1 * v2 = m2v2
- Combine like terms: m1^2v1 + m1v1v2 = m2v2
- Divide both sides of the equation by v2: (m1^2v1 + m1v1v2) / v2 = m2

5. Calculate the final molarity:
- Substitute the given values into the simplified equation and solve for m2.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine the final molarity of a mixture of two solutions.