Please help me answer this problem, sorry I cannot draw the shapes mentioned

Q. Add one or more lines to make these shapes rigid.
1) square
2) rectangle
3) issoceles
4) pentagon
5) trapezium
6) octagon

Thank you very much.

Make them into a bunch of triangles with interior lines. Triangles do not change shape once the length of the three sides is fixed. (side,side,side --->congruent)

For example once you draw one diagonal in a square, it is split into two triangles and will not squish into a parallelogram.
This is not just theory. It is how you build bridges and buildings.

Can you tell me how to turn a percentages into a fraction?

mIA, don't tag new questions on the end of other problems, start a new post.

percent means per centum or per hundred

so whatever the percentage number is, divide it by 100, then reduce to lowest terms if needed.
35% = 35/100 = 7/20
7% = 7/100
12.3% = 12.3/100 = 123/1000

To make a shape rigid, we need to add one or more lines (also known as diagonals) that connect different vertices of the shape. These lines should not already exist in the original shape. Adding these lines will provide additional support and stability to the shape.

1) Square:
A square is already rigid since all its sides are equal in length and all its angles are right angles. So, you don't need to add any lines to make it rigid.

2) Rectangle:
A rectangle is also already rigid. Similar to a square, all its angles are right angles, and opposite sides are equal in length. No additional lines are needed.

3) Isosceles triangle:
An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length. To make it rigid, we can simply draw a line connecting the midpoint of the base to the opposite vertex.

4) Pentagon:
A pentagon has five sides. To make it rigid, we need to add two diagonals. Draw a line to connect one vertex to any other non-adjacent vertex. Repeat this process for another non-adjacent pair of vertices.

5) Trapezium (trapezoid):
A trapezium (also known as trapezoid) has one pair of parallel sides. To make it rigid, we can draw lines connecting the two non-parallel vertices to the midpoint of the parallel sides.

6) Octagon:
An octagon has eight sides. To make it rigid, we need to add four diagonals. Draw four lines connecting opposite vertices of the octagon, creating an "X" shape inside the octagon.

By following these steps, you can add lines (or diagonals) to make each shape mentioned above rigid.