Let xy = 5 and { dy }/{ dt } = 3.

Find { dx }/{ dt } when x = 1.

To find { dx }/{ dt }, we can use implicit differentiation.

Given: xy = 5 and { dy }/{ dt } = 3

We need to find { dx }/{ dt } when x = 1.

Start by taking the derivative of both sides of the equation xy = 5 with respect to t:

d/dt (xy) = d/dt (5)

Using the product rule, we can differentiate xy with respect to t:

x(dy/dt) + y(dx/dt) = 0

Since { dy }/{ dt } = 3, we can substitute it into the equation:

x(3) + y(dx/dt) = 0

Substitute the given value of xy = 5:

1(3) + (5)(dx/dt) = 0

3 + 5(dx/dt) = 0

Simplifying the equation:

5(dx/dt) = -3

Now, divide both sides by 5:

(dx/dt) = -3/5

Therefore, { dx }/{ dt } when x = 1 is -3/5.

To find { dx }/{ dt }, we can use implicit differentiation because the equation xy = 5 is not directly solved for y.

Let's start by differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to t, using the chain rule on the left side:

d/dt (xy) = d/dt (5)

Using the product rule on the left side, we get:

x * (dy/dt) + y * (dx/dt) = 0

Since we know that { dy }/{ dt } = 3, we can substitute it into the equation:

x * 3 + y * (dx/dt) = 0

Now we need to find y when x = 1. We can solve the original equation xy = 5 for y:

y = 5/x

Substituting x = 1, we get y = 5/1 = 5.

Plugging the values of x = 1 and y = 5 into the differentiated equation:

1 * 3 + 5 * (dx/dt) = 0

3 + 5 * (dx/dt) = 0

To find { dx }/{ dt }, we can isolate the term (dx/dt) by moving the 3 to the other side:

5 * (dx/dt) = -3

Finally, dividing both sides by 5 gives us the solution:

(dx/dt) = -3/5

Therefore, { dx }/{ dt } is equal to -3/5 when x = 1.

xy = 5 , use the product rule and differentiate with respect to t

x(dy/dt) + y(dx/dt) = 0

when x= 1 ---> (1)y = 5, so y=5
now sub in all that stuff in
x(dy/dt) + y(dx/dt) = 0
(1)(dy/dt) + 5(3) = 0
dy/dt = -15