q times 11,minus the product of 6 and t


11q - 6t

To find the equation for "q times 11, minus the product of 6 and t," follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply q by 11: q * 11
Step 2: Multiply 6 by t: 6 * t
Step 3: Subtract the product from step 2 from the result of step 1: q * 11 - 6 * t

Therefore, the equation is q * 11 - 6 * t.

To simplify the expression "q times 11, minus the product of 6 and t," you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the expression "q times 11."
This means multiplying the variable q by the number 11.

Expression: 11q

2. Next, subtract "the product of 6 and t" from the previous expression.
This means multiplying the number 6 by the variable t and then subtracting that product from the previous expression.

Expression: 11q - 6t

So, the simplified expression is 11q - 6t.