What does gonnegtion mean? It's not in my dictionary. Thanks for looking this up!


Very sketchy! Not a real word yet apparently.

Its from The Great Gatsby

"gonnegtions" is Fitzgerald trying to represent a sleezy Jewish gambler saying "connections." it's mildly offensive.


Actually, it looks like corrupted pronunciation of "connection!" Say it outloud.


I apologize, but I couldn't find any relevant information on the term "gonnegtion" in any available dictionaries or reliable sources. As a possible explanation, it could be a misspelling, a slang term, or a rare word not commonly found in mainstream dictionaries. If you suspect it might be a misspelling, you can try variations such as "connection" or "congestion." Additionally, if you have any additional context or specific usage of the term, it may help in providing a more accurate answer.