Speeds up or slows down?

By stirring a gas in a liquid, its solubility ____________ the dissolving process.

High or low?
A gas's solubility is is faster in a liqud when under __________ pressure.

How do the methods of speeding the rate of solution for dissolving a solid in a liquid compare to the methods of speeding th erate of solution when dissolving a gas in a liquid?

Are amalgams a solution?

To answer these questions, let's break them down one by one:

1. By stirring a gas in a liquid, its solubility _________ the dissolving process.
When stirring a gas in a liquid, agitation or stirring will generally speed up the dissolving process. This is because stirring increases the contact between the gas molecules and the liquid, allowing for more efficient and faster dissolution. Therefore, the correct word to fill in the blank is "speeds up."

2. A gas's solubility is faster in a liquid when under ________ pressure.
The solubility of a gas in a liquid is higher when the gas is under higher pressure. This is because for a given temperature, the solubility of a gas generally increases with increasing pressure. When the pressure is increased, more gas molecules are forced into contact with the liquid, resulting in faster dissolution. Therefore, the correct word to fill in the blank is "high."

3. How do the methods of speeding the rate of solution for dissolving a solid in a liquid compare to the methods of speeding the rate of solution when dissolving a gas in a liquid?
The methods of speeding up the rate of solution for dissolving a solid in a liquid and dissolving a gas in a liquid are different. When dissolving a solid in a liquid, increasing the temperature of the liquid generally speeds up the dissolution process. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the molecules, leading to more collisions between the solid particles and the liquid solvent, thus promoting faster dissolution.

On the other hand, when dissolving a gas in a liquid, factors such as pressure and agitation (stirring) have a significant impact on the rate of dissolution. As mentioned earlier, increasing the pressure of the gas over the liquid increases its solubility and promotes faster dissolution. Stirring the liquid also enhances contact between the gas and liquid, increasing the rate of dissolution.

So, the methods of speeding up the rate of solution for dissolving a solid in a liquid and dissolving a gas in a liquid involve different factors - temperature for solids and pressure/agitation for gases.

4. Are amalgams a solution?
Yes, amalgams are a type of solution. An amalgam is a solution in which a metal (typically mercury) is mixed or combined with another metal or metals to form a homogeneous (uniform) solid solution. The most common example of an amalgam is dental fillings, which are typically composed of mercury mixed with other metals like silver, tin, or copper.