My teacher is having us write a historical fiction story. She wants us to use a website with ".edu" at the end of it. My story is going to be about World War II/Pearl Harbor. Could you find me some websites with ".edu" at the end with info about World War or Pearl Harbor?

Certainly! Finding ".edu" websites with information about World War II or Pearl Harbor is a great way to ensure you are accessing reliable and authoritative sources for your historical fiction story. Here's how you can go about finding these websites:

1. Start by searching for relevant keywords related to World War II or Pearl Harbor using a search engine like Google.

2. Once you have your search results, look for websites that end with ".edu" in the website domain. You can identify them by checking the website addresses listed below the webpage titles.

3. Click on the ".edu" websites that appear to be credible sources. Typically, educational institutions such as universities and colleges use the ".edu" domain, so these websites often provide well-researched, accurate information.

4. Browse through the selected websites to gather information about World War II or Pearl Harbor that you can incorporate into your historical fiction story.

Here are a few examples of ".edu" websites that may provide valuable information about World War II or Pearl Harbor:

1. National WWII Museum - This museum, located in New Orleans, has an educational website with extensive information about World War II. You can visit their website at "".

2. The Library of Congress - The Library of Congress website contains a vast collection of historical resources, including primary sources related to World War II and Pearl Harbor. Visit their website at "".

3. The Official Pearl Harbor Memorial Site - The National Park Service manages the Pearl Harbor memorial site, and they provide educational resources on their website. You can access it at "".

Remember to explore these websites and others you discover to find specific information relevant to your historical fiction story.