The warmest temperature occurs when? and why does the warmest daily temperature occur in mid-to-late afternoon rather than at the time of the highest sun angle?

This site explains it quite well - the lag factor:

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The warmest temperature usually occurs in the mid-to-late afternoon rather than at the time of the highest sun angle. The reason for this is due to the time lag between solar heating and the subsequent release of heat by the Earth's surface.

To understand why this happens, let's consider how temperature changes throughout the day. The Earth's surface receives energy from the Sun in the form of sunlight, which warms the surface. However, it takes some time for this heat to be absorbed and distributed throughout the Earth's surface and atmosphere. This process is known as thermal inertia.

In the morning, the Sun's angle is usually lower, and the surface receives less solar radiation. As a result, the surface and air temperatures begin to rise but are still relatively cool. Throughout the day, the incoming solar radiation increases, and more heat is absorbed by the Earth's surface and atmosphere.

However, even after the Sun reaches its highest angle in the sky (usually around midday), the release of heat by the Earth's surface continues to lag behind. This is because the absorption and distribution of heat take time. As a result, the temperature continues to rise even after the Sun's angle starts to decline in the afternoon.

Additionally, other factors contribute to the warmest temperature occurring in the mid-to-late afternoon. These factors include the storage and reemission of heat by the Earth's surface, variations in local atmospheric conditions, and the time it takes for the surface to reach thermal equilibrium.

In summary, the warmest temperature occurs in the mid-to-late afternoon due to the time lag between solar heating and the subsequent release of heat by the Earth's surface. This lag, along with various other factors, prolongs the heating process throughout the afternoon, resulting in the highest temperature of the day occurring after the Sun's angle starts to decrease.