Which side of the hills (compass direction) is the steepest?

To determine which side of the hills is the steepest, you will need a topographic map of the area. Topographic maps provide detailed information about the terrain's elevation and contour lines, which can help you identify the steepest slopes.

Here's how you can find the steepest side of the hills using a topographic map:

1. Obtain a topographic map of the hills you're interested in. You can find these maps online, in libraries, or from local map agencies.

2. Look for the contour lines on the map. These lines represent points of equal elevation, showing the shape of the terrain.

3. Identify the highest contour lines on the map. These lines will likely represent the crest or the top of the hills.

4. Examine the contour lines adjacent to the highest ones. The closer together the contour lines are, the steeper the slope is in that area.

5. Compare the contour lines on each side of the hills. Look for areas where the lines are closely spaced together. This indicates a steep slope.

6. Determine the compass direction of the side(s) with closely spaced contour lines. This will be the direction of the steepest side(s) of the hills.

By following these steps, you can analyze the topographic map and determine which compass direction represents the steepest side of the hills.