What are the elements of art

Here are a number of excellent sites on that topic:


Plus, you may have heard the expression "art is in the eye of the beholder." For example, a friend of mine adores modern art, some of which just seems to be "scribbling" to me!


The elements of art are the basic building blocks or ingredients that artists use to create a work of art. These elements help artists to express their ideas, emotions, and concepts visually. The seven commonly recognized elements of art are:

1. Line: Line is the path created when a point moves across a surface. It can be straight, curved, diagonal, or a combination of these. Lines can be used to define shapes, create texture or patterns, convey emotions, or lead the viewer's eye.

2. Shape: Shape refers to the two-dimensional area defined by an outline or boundaries. Shapes can be geometric (such as square, triangle, or circle) or organic (with irregular, uneven contours). They can be used to create compositions and visual balance.

3. Form: Form refers to the three-dimensional aspect of an object or a shape. It is often achieved through the use of light and shadow, creating the illusion of depth and volume. Forms can be geometric or organic and can be represented in sculptures, architecture, or through shading techniques in drawings or paintings.

4. Color: Color is one of the most noticeable elements of art. It is created by the reflection and absorption of light and has three properties: hue (the name of the color), value (how light or dark the color is), and intensity (the purity or brightness of the color). Colors can evoke emotions, communicate messages, and create visual harmony or contrast.

5. Value: Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color or a tone. It is created by the amount of light reflected or absorbed by an object or surface. Value helps to create contrast, define forms, and add depth and dimension to a work of art.

6. Texture: Texture refers to the surface quality or tactile feel of an object or artwork. It can be actual (physical texture that can be felt) or visual (the illusion of texture created through artistic techniques). Texture adds interest, depth, and variation to an artwork.

7. Space: Space refers to the area around, between, or within objects in a piece of art. It can be real or implied, two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Artists use space to create a sense of depth, perspective, and to organize the elements within the composition.

To fully understand and appreciate the elements of art, it is recommended to study artworks, explore different art forms and media, and experiment with them oneself. Observing and analyzing different artworks and artists' techniques can provide valuable insights into how these elements are used and combined to create visually appealing and meaningful art.