Check this problem for me do I have negative sign right with the answer.


the one on top and the -1(-1) and on the bottom is -5-5.
so check this answer for me. Please, Please

To check if the answer is correct, we will simplify the expression step by step:

Starting expression: -1(-1) + (-5) - 5

Step 1: First, let’s simplify -1(-1) by multiplying -1 and -1. This gives us:

-1(-1) = 1

Now our expression becomes: 1 + (-5) - 5

Step 2: Next, let’s simplify the addition of -5 and -5:

(-5) + (-5) = -10

Our expression now becomes: 1 - 10

Step 3: Finally, let’s subtract 10 from 1:

1 - 10 = -9

So, the simplified expression is -9.

Now let's check if -2/-10 is equal to -1/5:

To do this, we simplify -2/-10 by dividing both the numerator (-2) and the denominator (-10) by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:

-2 ÷ 2 = -1
-10 ÷ 2 = -5

So, -2/-10 simplifies to -1/5.

Comparing our simplified expression (-9) to -1/5, we can see that they are not equal. Therefore, the answer -1/5 is incorrect. The correct answer for the expression -1(-1) + (-5) - 5 is -9.