find the accumulated value of an investment of 5000 at 9% compounded continuously for 6 years.

Amount = 5000(e)^(.09x6)

= 5000(e^.54)
= 8580.03

your general formula is
Amount = Principal(e)rt where r is the annual rate and t is the number of years.

I don't understand what it is exaclty you multiply to get 8580.03. Please respond back. I need to understand this. Because when I multiply 5000x.54 I don't get that.

I am using the exponential function e^x

it is the inverse function of ln on your calculator.

The nature of the question requires you to know about exponential functions.

On my calculator I press
2nd F (ln)
to get 1.7160068...

To find the accumulated value of an investment compounded continuously, we can use the formula:

A = Pe^rt

A is the accumulated value of the investment
P is the principal amount (initial investment)
e is Euler's number (approximately 2.71828)
r is the annual interest rate
t is the time in years

In this case:
P = $5000
r = 9% (or 0.09 as a decimal)
t = 6 years

Substituting these values into the formula, we can calculate the accumulated value:

A = 5000 * e^(0.09 * 6)

Now, let's calculate it step by step.

First, multiply the interest rate and the time:
0.09 * 6 = 0.54

Next, calculate e^0.54 using Euler's number:
e^0.54 ≈ 1.718 (rounded to three decimal places)

Finally, multiply the principal amount by the result:
5000 * 1.718 = $8,590

Therefore, the accumulated value of the investment after 6 years, compounded continuously at 9%, is approximately $8,590.