Some words ending in "e" are irregular in their formationsnof the past tense. For each word underline the root word, circle the ending, and draw a box around the irregular forms of the words.Please help.



The root word is ride

The irregular past tense form is rode.

this is definetely not 4th grade level. what planet are u from?

To identify the root word, ending, and irregular forms of the word, follow these steps:

1. Look at the forms provided: ride, rides, rode, riding.
2. The root word is the base form without any changes or additional endings. In this case, the root word is "ride."
3. Circle the ending of each word. In all of the given forms, the ending is "e."
4. Determine the irregular forms by looking for changes that do not follow the usual pattern. In this case, the irregular form is "rode" because it does not add a typical "-ed" ending like the other forms.

Applying these steps to the given words:

- ride: root word (underline), ending (circle)
- rides: root word (underline), ending (circle)
- rode: root word (underline), ending (circle), irregular form (box)
- riding: root word (underline), ending (circle)

By following these guidelines, you can identify the root word, underline it, circle the ending, and draw a box around any irregular forms present.