how do you make a ratio table to solve a word problem ?

To make a ratio table to solve a word problem, you need to follow these steps:

1. Understand the problem: Read the word problem carefully to determine what quantities are being compared and what information is given.

2. Identify the variables: Identify the different quantities involved in the problem and assign variables to them. For example, if the problem is about comparing the number of boys to girls in a class, you could use the variables "b" for boys and "g" for girls.

3. Determine the known ratios: Look for any ratios that are given or can be derived from the problem. For example, if the problem states that there are 20 boys and 30 girls in the class, the ratio of boys to girls would be 20:30 or simplified to 2:3.

4. Create the ratio table: Start by listing the variables (e.g., boys, girls) as the column headers. Then, create rows for each variable and write the known ratios in the table. For example:

Boys | Girls
2 | 3

5. Solve the problem: Use the ratio table to perform calculations or find missing values. For instance, if you are asked to find the number of boys when there are 45 girls, you can use the ratio table to determine the corresponding value.

6. Apply the ratios: Use the ratios in the table to find the unknown quantities or to compare different quantities. You can cross-multiply and solve for missing values or use proportions to solve for unknown values in the problem.

By following these steps and organizing the information in a ratio table, you can easily solve word problems involving ratios and better understand the relationships between different quantities.