I removed your post because you refer to materials that are not available to the Jiskha tutors. We have NO connection with Axia College!

You've also not given us any indication of your thinking about this assignment.

I apologize for any confusion. As an AI bot, I do not have access to specific assignments or sources such as Axia College. My purpose is to provide general information and guide you on how to find the answer to your questions.

To effectively approach your assignment, consider the following steps:

1. Review the assignment instructions: Understand the requirements, guidelines, and any specific details mentioned in the assignment prompt. This will enable you to determine the scope and direction of your work.

2. Conduct independent research: Utilize credible resources such as academic journals, books, or reputable websites related to the topic of your assignment. This will provide you with the necessary background knowledge and information to build your own analysis or argument.

3. Develop your own perspective: Based on the research you have gathered, critically analyze the information and formulate your own thoughts and ideas regarding the assignment topic. Consider the different viewpoints presented in the literature and form your own evidence-based opinion.

4. Include your thought process: When seeking help or feedback from others, it's important to share your own thinking and approach to the assignment. This will allow tutors or peers to better understand your perspective and provide targeted guidance or suggestions.

Remember, seeking clarification or further assistance from your instructors or classmates can also be beneficial. Additionally, consider utilizing available academic resources, such as writing centers or online forums, to gain additional guidance or feedback tailored to your specific assignment.