The Main Purpose Of The Grounding Pin In A Three-pong Plug For An Appliance Is To __? What's The Main Purpose Is?

i believe the aswer is c

a. boost the current flow to the appliance
b. prevent short cicuits
c. prevent electrical shocks

Yes, C. Short circuits may still happen, but when they do the outside of the appliance will remain at ground potential, and safe to handle.

The main purpose of the grounding pin in a three-prong plug for an appliance is to prevent electrical shocks. The grounding pin, also known as the earth pin, provides a path for the electrical current to flow into the ground. This is especially important in situations where there is a fault or a malfunction in the appliance that could potentially expose the user to an electric shock.

To get the answer to this question, you need to understand the function of the grounding pin in a three-prong plug. The grounding pin serves as a safety measure to redirect the electrical current away from the user in the event of a fault. This helps to prevent electrical shocks and protects the individual using the appliance.

Option (c) is the correct answer because preventing electrical shocks is the main purpose of the grounding pin in a three-prong plug.