State five schoolarly definitions of guidians and counselling

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To find scholarly definitions of "guardians" and "counseling," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by accessing reputable academic databases or online library catalogs. Some popular ones include Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ERIC (Education Resources Information Center).

2. In the search bar of the chosen database, enter relevant keywords such as "guardians definition" and "counseling definition." Enclose these phrases in quotation marks to search for the exact phrase.

3. Review the search results and select articles or books that are written by reputable authors or published in reputable academic journals or publishing houses. Look for sources that are relevant to the field of education, psychology, or any other discipline you desire.

4. Read the abstracts of the selected sources to determine if they contain the definitions you are seeking. Abstracts usually provide a brief summary of the article or book, including key concepts and definitions.

5. Once you have identified relevant sources, access the full text and read through the content to find the scholarly definitions of "guardians" and "counseling." Pay attention to the authors' qualifications and the context in which the definitions are presented to ensure their credibility.

Note: The specific definitions you find will depend on the sources you choose and the field of study. Here are five examples of scholarly definitions of "guardians" and "counseling" that you may encounter:

1. "Guardians are individuals who have been legally assigned the responsibility of caring for and making decisions on behalf of a person who is unable to do so due to age, incapacity, or other circumstances." (Source: Journal of Legal Studies in Education)

2. "Counseling is a professional interpersonal relationship in which a trained counselor assists individuals, groups, or communities in exploring, understanding, and resolving personal, social, educational, or career-related concerns." (Source: Journal of Counseling Psychology)

3. "Guardianship refers to the legal authority granted by a court to an individual or organization to make decisions on behalf of a minor child." (Source: Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal)

4. "Counseling is a collaborative process that empowers clients to explore and develop personal insights, overcome obstacles, and make positive changes in their lives." (Source: Journal of Counseling and Development)

5. "Guardians are appointed to ensure the well-being, safety, and best interests of a person who lacks the capacity to make significant decisions due to mental or physical limitations." (Source: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry)

Remember, scholarly definitions may vary, and it is essential to review multiple sources to form a comprehensive understanding of the topic.