what number is 24% of 95.

Sorry but i don't understand how to get numbers using percents.

another problem im stuck with is

what percent of 90 is 60

24% is the same as 0.24

To get a fraction OF a number, multiply the fraction by the number. For example, 50% of 10 is 0.5 x 10.

In your case, the answer is 0.24 x 95 = 22.8

60 is 2/3 of 90.
Convert 2/3 to percent

what number is 24% of 95

Change 24% to a decimal.

24% = 0.24

Multiply: 0.24 * 95 = ??

Your answer should be about 25. Think about 1/4 of a dollar is.

what percent of 90 is 60

This is a division problem.

60 / 90 = 0.66666 = 67%

To find what number is 24% of 95, you can use the following formula:

(Number) = (Percentage) x (Whole)

In this case, the percentage is 24 and the whole number is 95.

So, to calculate, multiply 24% (which can be expressed as 0.24) by 95:

Number = 0.24 x 95
Number = 22.8

Therefore, 24% of 95 is 22.8.

Now, let's move on to your second question: what percent of 90 is 60.

To find the percentage, you can use this formula:

(Percentage) = (Part / Whole) x 100

In this case, the part is 60 and the whole is 90.

To calculate, divide 60 by 90, and then multiply by 100 to find the percentage:

Percentage = (60 / 90) x 100
Percentage = 0.6667 x 100
Percentage ≈ 66.67

Therefore, 60 is approximately 66.67% of 90.