why do pickled cucumbers remain edible much longer than fresh cucumbers do?

Pickled cucumbers can be used in a lot of food dishes including making a sandwich. Hmmn! Delicious! Cucumbers pickled in salt and vinegar remain edible much longer than fresh cucumber because both salt and vinegar have preservative properties. They stop the growth of most microorganismes that spoil fresh vegetables. Vinegar is acidic in nature and therefore destroys or prevents the growth of most bacteria. On the other hand, salt creates its preservative properties by helping the growth of lactic acid bacteria that ferment lactic acid as they grow.

Lactic acid bacteria that live on the cucumber react with the sugars in the vegetable, and in the presence of appropriate concentrations of salt and water that is ideal for their growth, they proliferate into trillions of microbes within a few days. The action of the lactic acid bacteria lowers the pH of the brine to a point that most pathogens cannot survive. You can pickle cucumber in salt or vinegar or combination of both ingredients.

Pickled cucumbers, also known as pickles, can remain edible for a longer time compared to fresh cucumbers due to a process called pickling. During pickling, the cucumbers are submerged in a solution, usually made of vinegar, water, salt, and various spices. This process preserves the cucumbers by creating an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and molds, which are responsible for food spoilage.

The acidity of the pickling solution, primarily from the vinegar, helps to extend the cucumbers' shelf life. Bacteria and other microorganisms struggle to survive in this acidic environment, preventing them from spoiling the cucumbers. Pickling also involves sealing the cucumbers in an airtight container, which further protects them from external contamination.

The vinegar used in pickling acts as a natural preservative, effectively slowing down the enzymatic reactions that cause fresh cucumbers to degrade. Additionally, the salt in the pickling solution helps draw out excess moisture from the cucumbers, further inhibiting bacterial growth.

Compared to fresh cucumbers that are more prone to softening, browning, and spoilage within a few days, properly pickled cucumbers can remain edible for several months or even longer when stored in the refrigerator.