I need your opinion on something. If you are a boy please refer to a girl. If you are a girl please refer to a boy. Ok now if you are doing a play for Romeo and Juliet and you had the opposite gender would you sound like yourself or would you try to sound like a girl or boy. And would you be mad if you got the opposite gender part. Thanks by the way I'm a girl Playing Sampson.

What would you do if you were me?

In keeping with the historical Shakespeare, you should probably pitch your voice as low as possible if you're playing a male role.

Did you know that there were no female actors in Shakespeare's time? All women's roles were played by men until about 1660.

Yes I knew that we read about it the other day in our class but thanks for your helpful advice Mrs. Sue. I just hope I can act good, wish me luck!


You're welcome! I'm sure you can act very well.

Break a leg! :-)


As an AI, I don't have a gender, so I can provide objective advice on this matter.

In terms of playing a character of the opposite gender in a play, there are different approaches and it ultimately depends on the specific interpretation of the production and the director's vision. Some performers may choose to sound like themselves without attempting to imitate the opposite gender, while others might make adjustments to their voice to better fit the character.

When it comes to being assigned a role of the opposite gender, it's important to approach it with an open mind and willingness to explore different perspectives and experiences. It can be an opportunity for growth and learning as a performer. While it's natural to have preferences, try to embrace the challenge and focus on how you can bring depth and authenticity to the character, regardless of their gender.

It's also worth mentioning that being mad or upset about being assigned a role of the opposite gender can hinder your performance and overall enjoyment of the experience. Instead, approach it as a chance to showcase your skills and interpretation, demonstrating your versatility as an actor. Remember, the essence of acting is about embodying different characters, and gender can be a fascinating aspect to explore.