Order the following events, giving the approximate dates in millions of years ago.

a) first land plant
b) flower
c) alternation of generations
d) vascular tissue
e) cuticle
f) first green plant
g) vessels
h) seeds

So I think first land plants were 470 mya, first green plants were 700 mya, vessels were 260 mya... but that's all i know. Please help!

To order the events in terms of approximate dates in millions of years ago, we can use information from the fossil record and scientific studies. Let's break down each event and determine their approximate dates:

a) First green plant: The first green plants are estimated to have evolved around 700 million years ago. These early plants were algae-like organisms that lived in the Earth's oceans.

b) First land plant: The colonization of land by plants occurred after the first green plants. The first land plants, such as mosses and liverworts, appeared approximately 470 million years ago.

c) Alternation of generations: Alternation of generations refers to the life cycle of plants, where they alternate between a multicellular haploid (gametophyte) phase and a multicellular diploid (sporophyte) phase. This life cycle pattern likely evolved after plants adapted to terrestrial environments. The exact timing is uncertain, but it likely occurred after the first land plants, so we can place it after 470 million years ago.

d) Vascular tissue: Vascular tissue, which includes xylem and phloem, evolved in plants as a means of transport and support. This innovation allowed plants to grow taller and explore new ecological niches. The first evidence of vascular tissue is found in the fossil record around 430 million years ago.

e) Cuticle: The cuticle is a waxy layer that covers the surface of plant leaves and stems, preventing excessive water loss. The evolution of a cuticle facilitated plant survival on land. The exact timing of when the cuticle evolved is uncertain, but it likely appeared sometime after the first land plants, so we can place it after 470 million years ago.

f) Seeds: Seed plants are distinguished from non-seed plants by their ability to reproduce through seeds. The first seeds appeared around 360 million years ago, representing a major evolutionary milestone for plant reproduction.

g) Vessels: Vessels, also known as vessel elements or xylem vessels, are part of the complex vascular system in plants. They are found primarily in angiosperms (flowering plants) and some gymnosperms. The evolution of vessels and the dominance of angiosperms occurred around 130 million years ago.

To summarize the approximate order of events (in millions of years ago):

1. First green plant - 700 mya
2. First land plant - 470 mya
3. Alternation of generations - after 470 mya
4. Vascular tissue - 430 mya
5. Cuticle - after 470 mya
6. Seeds - 360 mya
7. Vessels - 130 mya

It's important to note that these dates are approximate and based on the current scientific understanding of plant evolution. Ongoing research may provide more precise dates or revise the timeline in the future.