How does voting, writing mails/emails, going on a talk show, speak in a radio show, join political parties, join protest groups, write an article influence the government and public policy?

Once the government realize how important your beliefs are, there may be changes.
Voting is a big influence because if one don't vote, other's vote will be worth more.

And what is your question?

I was wanted a critique on my answer. I don't think it is enough

Voting, writing mails/emails, going on a talk show, speaking in a radio show, joining political parties, joining protest groups, and writing articles can all have an influence on the government and public policy. Here are some explanations on how each of these actions can make an impact:

1. Voting: Voting is a fundamental way that citizens can participate in their democracy and influence government decisions. By casting your vote for a particular candidate or issue, you contribute to the selection of representatives who align with your beliefs and values. Elected officials often take into account the preferences of their constituents when making decisions on public policy.

2. Writing mails/emails: Writing to your elected representatives can be an effective way to communicate your views and concerns directly to them. Providing well-articulated opinions and arguments in your correspondence can catch their attention and potentially influence their decision-making process. Politicians often consider the opinions of their constituents when making decisions or voting on issues.

3. Going on a talk show/speaking in a radio show: Talk shows and radio shows provide platforms for individuals to express their opinions and raise awareness about specific issues. By participating in these shows and articulating your views, you can reach a wider audience and potentially influence public opinion. Public opinion plays a crucial role in shaping public policy as elected officials often aim to respond to the concerns and wishes of the people they represent.

4. Joining political parties: By joining a political party, you actively engage in the party's activities, including policy development and campaign efforts. Joining and actively participating in a political party allows you to contribute to shaping the party's platform and positions. If the party comes to power, your contributions can help shape government policies aligned with your beliefs.

5. Joining protest groups: Protest groups mobilize people who share similar concerns or advocacy goals. By joining these groups and participating in protests, demonstrations, or other forms of advocacy, you can amplify your voice and draw attention to specific issues. Public protests and displays of collective action can put pressure on the government to address these concerns and initiate policy changes.

6. Writing articles: Writing articles can be an effective way to share your insights, arguments, and perspectives on various issues with a wider audience. By publishing articles in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms, you contribute to public discourse and shape public opinion. If your arguments gain traction and resonate with the public, they may influence public opinion and subsequently impact government decision-making processes.

It's important to note that these actions are not guarantees of immediate change, as the impact of individual efforts can vary. However, by actively participating in democratic processes and engaging with public discourse, you can play a role in influencing government decisions and shaping public policy.