For my english class we have to write a recommendation memo and a justfication. I need two different topics. Do you have any ideas on what I could write them on.

You could write a recommendation for a new way of doing something. You could also write a justification for something you've already done.

Of course! For your recommendation memo, you can consider the following topic:

Topic 1: Recommending a Sustainable Transportation Initiative for your School/Community.
To write this recommendation memo, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Look into sustainable transportation initiatives that have been implemented in other schools or communities. Consider ideas such as bike-sharing programs, carpooling initiatives, electric vehicle charging stations, or public transportation improvements.

2. Evaluate: Assess the current transportation situation in your school or community. Identify any challenges, such as traffic congestion, environmental impact, or lack of accessibility.

3. Benefits: Analyze the potential benefits of implementing a sustainable transportation initiative. These may include reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, cost savings, enhanced community cohesion, or health benefits.

4. Recommendations: Propose specific solutions or initiatives that could be implemented to address the transportation challenges. Provide details on how these initiatives can be executed, including funding sources, partnerships, or community engagement strategies.

5. Supporting Evidence: Include data, statistics, case studies, or expert opinions that support the effectiveness of your recommended initiatives.

For your justification, you can consider the following topic:

Topic 2: Justifying the Integration of a Mental Health Program in Schools (or Workplace).
To write this justification, here's a step-by-step approach:

1. Research: Investigate the prevalence and impact of mental health issues among students (or employees) in schools (or workplaces). Gather information on the benefits of early intervention and the long-term consequences of ignoring mental health needs.

2. Problem Identification: Outline the existing challenges related to mental health support in schools (or workplaces). This could include limited accessibility to mental health resources, stigma, or inadequate awareness and understanding of mental health issues.

3. Importance: Justify why mental health should be prioritized in schools (or workplaces). Highlight the correlation between mental health and academic (or professional) performance, overall well-being, and the prevention of more severe mental health conditions.

4. Proposed Solutions: Suggest a comprehensive mental health program that covers prevention, early intervention, and ongoing support. Explore various components, such as counseling services, awareness campaigns, workshops, mental health training for staff, and the promotion of a positive mental health culture.

5. Implementation Plan: Outline the steps required to implement the proposed mental health program. Include considerations such as funding, collaboration with mental health professionals or organizations, and strategies for measuring the program's effectiveness.

Remember, these are just ideas to get you started. Adjust them according to your specific interests, resources, and the requirements of your English class. Good luck with your writing!