darrin hiked the shortest route from the trailhead to hart moutin in 73.4 hours. what is the avarage number of miles he hiked in 1 hour?

How many miles is it from Trailhead to Hart Mountain?

10 in 5 7ths

Do you mean 10 5/7 miles?

yes that's what i mean

This must be a snail doing the hiking.

10.71 divided by 73.4 = 0.146 miles per hour. That's a little longer than a football field.

Are you using a map scale?

yes im using a map that tells how many miles to get to the places!

I bet that you measured on your map and found that it was 10 5/7 inches from one place to another. Now use your map scale to find out how far that would be in actual miles.

Check this site.


i know the ansewer is 2 2/3 i just don't know how to work it out.

If Darrin averaged 2 2/3 miles per hour on a 73.4 hour long hike, then the distance must be about 31.5 miles. Check your distance again.

To calculate the average number of miles Darrin hiked in one hour, we need to divide the total distance he hiked by the total hours it took him. However, you haven't provided the distance Darrin hiked to Hart Mountain. Once we have that information, we can proceed with the calculation.