what are the comman themes in all egyptain myths?

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I'm taken classical mythology right now, and almost all the myths we have read so far doesn't have a very happy ending.

Not all myths are tragedy though, but almost all of them that we have read so far are. Most of them have to do with going against a god and suffering consquences.

Chopsticks, we appreciate your answer, but please give the source for your paragraphs.

That came from my my opinion. I'm taking classical mythology right now as an elective, and I answered based on what I know. I didn't copy and paste this off any website.

Ok. I'm sorry. You're a good writer. :-)

Thanks! I tend to write really sloppy sometimes because, well, its the internet!

The common themes in Egyptian myths provide insight into the beliefs, values, and worldview of ancient Egyptians. To identify these themes, one can explore various myths from ancient Egypt.

1. Cosmogony and Creation: Many Egyptian myths revolve around the creation of the world and the universe. They explain how the gods and goddesses brought about existence, often emphasizing the importance of order and harmony.

2. Gods and Goddesses: Egyptian myths frequently feature a pantheon of deities who interact with each other and with humans. The stories often highlight the powers and characteristics of these gods and goddesses, such as their roles in maintaining the natural world or their influence over specific aspects of life.

3. Death and the Afterlife: Egyptian mythology places great emphasis on the concept of the afterlife. The journey of the soul after death, judgment in the Hall of Ma'at, and the role of rituals and offerings in ensuring a peaceful afterlife are common themes in these myths.

4. Divine Kingship: The relationship between gods, pharaohs, and humans is a recurring theme. Many myths highlight the divine nature of the pharaoh, often considered the earthly embodiment of a god. These stories reinforce the idea of a perfect, harmonious rule and the importance of maintaining ma'at (divine order).

5. Forces of Chaos and Order: Egyptian myths often depict a struggle between chaos (represented as Isfet) and order (represented as Ma'at). The gods and goddesses play crucial roles in maintaining order and protecting humanity from the disruptive forces of chaos.

6. Symbolism and Ritual: Egyptian myths are rich in symbolism, often rooted in religious rituals and practices. Animals, such as the ibis or falcon, and natural phenomena, such as the Nile River or the sun, carry symbolic meaning in these stories.

To delve deeper into the common themes in Egyptian myths, studying primary sources such as the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, Book of the Dead, or the various mythological narratives recorded in temple reliefs and papyri can provide a comprehensive understanding. Additionally, consulting scholarly books and articles on ancient Egyptian mythology can offer valuable insights into the subject.