i asked this earlier...please help

How did England's preoccupation with its civil war affect the colonies?

a. they were forced to support the king
b. the were left alone
c. they developed ties with France
d. they started to produce manufactured goods

i think its C but i'm just making a guess

Yup... that is a good guess


To determine the correct answer to the question, let's examine the context of England's preoccupation with its civil war and how it may have influenced the colonies:

The civil war in England, known as the English Civil War, occurred from 1642 to 1651. It resulted from political and religious conflicts between the monarchy (led by King Charles I) and the Parliament. Ultimately, Parliament emerged victorious, leading to the temporary establishment of a republican government in England.

In regard to the colonies, the English Civil War did have certain impacts. Let's go through the answer choices:

a. They were forced to support the king: During the English Civil War, the colonies did not receive any direct command to support either the monarchy or Parliament. Therefore, support for the king was not a significant factor influenced by the civil war.

b. They were left alone: While the English Civil War took place, the colonies were relatively left alone and autonomous in their affairs. However, this answer might overlook the potential indirect effects that the civil war could have had on the colonies.

c. They developed ties with France: It is well-known that during the English Civil War, the colonies, especially New England, sought assistance from France against the English monarchy. However, it is important to note that this French support was primarily in the context of an ongoing conflict between France and England, rather than a direct result of England's civil war.

d. They started to produce manufactured goods: There isn't a direct correlation between England's civil war and the colonies' shift towards producing manufactured goods. The development of colonial manufacturing primarily occurred later, with contributing factors such as the Industrial Revolution and the growing demand for goods in the colonies.

Considering the options given, it appears that option "b. They were left alone" is the most accurate choice. While there might have been some indirect consequences of the English Civil War on the colonies, the overall impact was that they were left to govern themselves to a greater extent during this period of English turmoil.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option "b. they were left alone."