The goal of the Lecompton constitution was to

a. establish slavery in Kansas
b. abolish slavery in all territories
c. abolish slavery in Kansas
d. uphold the Missouri Compromise


A is correct. :-)

what was the first major battle of the civil war?

Correct! The goal of the Lecompton Constitution was to establish slavery in Kansas. To arrive at this answer, it's helpful to have some background knowledge about the Lecompton Constitution and its significance in the context of American history.

The Lecompton Constitution was a proposed constitution for the state of Kansas during the early years of the United States. It was drafted by pro-slavery individuals who sought to protect and expand slavery within the territory. The drafting of the constitution was surrounded by controversy and conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions.

Ultimately, the Lecompton Constitution aimed to enshrine slavery as a constitutional right in Kansas. It provided legal protections for slaveholders and ensured the continuation of the institution of slavery within the state.

It's important to note that the Lecompton Constitution was seen as an attempt by pro-slavery forces to maintain their power and influence in Kansas, despite the fact that a majority of settlers in the territory were actually opposed to slavery. The Constitution's passage and acceptance were intensely debated, which highlights the deep divisions and tensions over the issue of slavery during this period in American history.

Overall, your answer is accurate—the goal of the Lecompton Constitution was indeed to establish slavery in Kansas. Well done!